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Result of Common University Entrance Test (CUET (PG) 2022) has been declared by the National Testing Agency and is available for download on the website. for PG Admissions on the above mentioned portal Online Counselling Portal is live now at.First list of selected candidates for admission to various PG programmes will be published at 5 pm today.Provisional Selection List of Masters' Programmes for admissions 2022-23.Reschedule of Orientation / Registration / Physical verification & Commencement of classes for PG Admissions 2022-23 (New Admissions).Provisional Selection List (1.2) of Masters' Programmes for admissions 2022-23.Provisional Selection List 1.3 of Masters' Programmes for admissions 2022-23.Provisional Selection List 1.4 of Masters' Programmes for admissions 2022-23.Provisional Selection List 1.5 of Masters' Programmes for admissions 2022-23.Provisional Selection List 2.1 of 2nd counselling of PG / Diploma / Certificate Programmes for admissions 2022-23.

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The Provisional Selection List 2.2 of 2nd counselling of PG / Diploma / Certificate Programmes for admissions 2022-23.First List of supernumerary seats candidates Provisionally Selected under Person with disability (PwD)of PG / Diploma / Certificate Programmes for admissions 2022-23.The Provisional Selection List 2.3 of 2nd counselling.2.4 List supernumerary seats candidates Provisionally Selected under Sports Quota.2.4 Waiting List for LL.M., Psychology, Zoology.

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